notes for Appearances in illustrator:
click on blue text 'stroke' in menubar align stroke to: center, inside, outside
add new stroke
in panel click icon -> add new stroke
stacking order of objects
bring to front/back: shift - command - [
stacking of stroke/fill
in appearance panel, move fill on top of stroke
swatches, colours
shift + click into menubar colour icons
get default colours/stroke
d stroke 90 add stroke 80, midgrey add stroke 5, yellow, dashed line effect -> stylize -> drop shadow (object -> expand appearance)
save appearances into styles
window -> graphic styles drag icon in appearances window (first icon) into graphic styles double click on it and name it
edit styles
click on style to edit, edit it 'option' + drag it on top of old icon (in graphic styles)
copy appearance attributes to another object
default settings with eyedropper tool work for basic appearances (1 stroke, 1 fill) for complex appearances, double click on eyedropper tool check Appearance on both sides
filters vs effects
filters are oldschool, once applied they cannot be changed anymore effects remain editable (to edit click on effect in 'appearance' panel)
outline a group of objects with a stroke (or shadow)
create 3 objects, add them to a group, select group window -> appearance click auf kleines icon -> add new stroke move stroke below content
or apply a style on a layer
create graphic style click on circle on layer, then on style
or use offset to outline
convert type to outlines then copy and paste with command + f (to create a copy on the same spot) object -> path -> offset path (preview, 8px) window -> pathfinder click add shape, expand press d key arrange -> send to back