Colors highlighting in VIM

notes for Colors highlighting in VIM:

create .vim/ftdetect/foo.vim and add this

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt set filetype=txt

in /.gvimrc_ add txt filetype

au BufNewFile,BufRead /data/files/* set filetype=txt orange red green purple

in /.gvimrc add foo filetype:

au BufNewFile,BufRead /data/files/* set filetype=help.addcolors create .vim/syntax/addcolors.vim and add this: " available colors "================ "red cd6a43 "orange fdb86b "green 7a9c6c "grau 888888 "blue 2d5393 "purple c6b7ec syn match cTransA ".*" contains=delimA syn match cTransB ".*" contains=delimB syn match cTransC ".*" contains=delimC syn match cTransD ".*" contains=delimD syn match delimA contained '_' conceal syn match delimB contained '+' conceal syn match delimC contained '' conceal syn match delimD contained '' conceal hi cTransA ctermfg=cyan guifg=#fdb86b hi cTransB ctermfg=red guifg=#7a9c6c hi cTransC ctermfg=red guifg=#cd6a43 hi cTransD ctermfg=red guifg=#c6b7ec hi cTransA ctermfg=215 guifg=#fdb86b hi cTransB ctermfg=107 guifg=#7a9c6c hi cTransC ctermfg=131 guifg=#cd6a43 hi cTransD ctermfg=104 guifg=#c6b7ec (create .vim/ftdetect/foo.vim and add this:) autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.foo set filetype=foo

src regex meanings

Veröffentlicht: 12.2014