Shortcuts for gravit designer

notes for Shortcuts for gravit designer:

space drag crtl mousewheel zoom in/out crtl +/- zoom in/out z / z alt zoom in/out crtl alt 0 fit artboard view to screen crtl 0 view whole artboard alt ENTER toggle fullscren / hide panels crtl alt g show grid crtl alt r show ruler crtl , show guidelines v black arrow (select) d white arrow (subselect) p pen tool k knife tool l line tool r rectangle tool e circle (elipse) tool t text tool shift crl e export crtl z undo shift crtl z redo shift crl v paste without formating crtl shift i invert selection crtl UP/DOWN send forward/backward shift crtl UP/DOWN send front/back crtl shift p convert to outlines crtl shift d duplicate in place

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Veröffentlicht: 12.2019