notes for Shortcuts vim :
vim navigation
fast up/down [ jump page top H jump page middle M juml page bottom L page up/down crtl + f/b next paragraph { copy word yiw select word viw paste over viwp s/old/new/g replace visual selection
when in insert mode
copy line yy enter crtl + j/h delete word crtl + w copy line yy
registers copy and paste
xp switch characters ddp switch lines # to search for the word under cursor! crtl r + a to paste in insert mode, works in command line mode too yiw copy current word into default reg viw to select current word p crtl r a reg to paste in insert mode from reg (a, s, d) crtl + o leave insert mode for 1 command
<crtl + p> <crtl + n> circle up history
move lines up/down
v (to select) cmd + shift - up/down
split windows
crtl + w, v split window vertically crtl + w, s split window horizontally :vsp filename split vertically filename :sp filename split horizontally filename crtl + w, w cycle next window crtl + w, h focus left window crtl + w, l focus right window crtl + w, j focus down window crtl + w, k focus upper window crtl + w, = equalize windows crtl + w, x switch windows crtl + w, r rotate window
indent multiple rows in VIM
ctrl + v zeilen markieren (nur erstes zeichen) shift + i tab esc
:mksession <file> save session :source <file> restore vim -S <file> restore
:set spell turn on spellcheck z= move cursor over word and hit z =
mq sets mark on letter q `q jumps to the mark on q :marks shows all current marks d`q delete from mark to cursor `` moves between the last 2 locations `. jumps to line with last modification
while in insert mode
crtl+r / /searchterm
normal mode
q/ search history, then press enter to get it into register "1y yank selection into reg 1 (in visual mode) "2p paste content of reg 2 :6d1 delete line 6 into register 1 :reg show register :reg 2 show content of register 2 "2 use register 2 for next delete, yank, put u undo crt+r redo g- more undo (when already overwritten!) :earlier 10m travel 10min back in history time :later 5m jump ahead 5 min
q 1 start recording in register 1 q stop <ESC> @1 execute recording in register 1 (not :@1 !!) 5@1 execute 5 times (make sure line jumps are in makro!)
:'<,'>s/old/new/g replace visual selection %s;;;g 1,8s/<[^>]*>//g Remove all html tags (ie strings enclosed in <> ) in lines 1 to 8 /^[A-Z].*\. *$ will search for any line that begins with a capital letter and ends with a period and any number of blanks /[^c]an will search for any "an" preceded by any character other than a c /[a-z]as search for any lowercase letter followed by "as" /[0-9]\{3}[ -][0-9]\{4} search for any 7 digit phone number /foo.*bar Find each occurrence of 'foo' with some stuff in between foo and bar %s/foo/bar/g Find each occurrence of 'foo', and replace it with 'bar' %s/foo/bar/gci Change each 'foo' (case insensitive) to 'bar'; ask for confirmation. s/foo/bar/g changes each 'foo' to 'bar' in the current line. %s/foo/bar/g changes each 'foo' to 'bar' in all lines. 5,12s/foo/bar/g changes each 'foo' to 'bar' for all lines between line 5 and line 12. %s/\<foo\>.\{5}// On each line, delete the whole word "foo" and the following five characters. g: global c: confirmation i: case insensitive I: case sensitive :%s/Someting.*somethingelse/replacetext/g .* is wildcard of any number of letters
{Visual}zf :Operator to create a fold. zf to create fold (after selecting in in visual mode) zo and zc open/close ONE fold zm and zn open/close ALL folds zE deletes all folds. za toggle current fold, open/close zj jump forward one fold, zk jump backwards one fold
insert at beginning of line I insert at end of line A substitute line S change uppercase/lowercase v to select, then gU for uppercase, gu for lowercase syntax autocomplete crtl-x crtl-o go to line 54 54G continue editing gi exit ZZ ZQ reload file e! delete from current line to end dG exit insert mode crtl + c (!) wort ersetzen c w loeschen d w kopieren y w markieren v w ueberschreiben R ganze zeile ersetzen S loeschen d d kopieren y y rest zeile kopieren y $ ersetzen c $ loeschen d $ markieren v $ new line below/after o / O join lines J markieren v $ v 0 vertikal crtl + v erneut markieren g v paste p zeile einruecken markieren, dann shift+> buffer 2-0/a-z write " h y read " h p undo u redo crtl + r buchstaben ersetzen r loeschen x auto-complete word crtl + p line crtl + X L replace :%s/alt/neu/g innerhalb der markierung :'<,'>s/alt/neu/g regex repeat . 5x repeat 5 . makro record start q a stop q run @ a run 100x 100 @ a
abkuerzen (in .vimrc)
:ab hh heidi hoppla :iab ä \"{a}<Esc>Bhx2e a :iab <p> <p> </p><Esc>bbhi :iab asdf <?php echo ?><Left><Left><Left>
uncomment multiple rows
mark with crtl-v and then press i, ESC lower case: V u upper V U save and close Z Z
{} next paragraph crtl+f page down crtl+b page up i insert mode R Replace mode :177 goto line 177 { previous, next paragraph * search next under cursor H top of page M middle of page L bottom 500G line 500 * searches for the word unter cursor, hit n und N to jump to next 50% to go to middle of document ( ) move to next/previous sentence { } move from paragraph to paragraph :3 go to line 3 w & b go to next/previous word 0 go to beginning of line $ go to end of line O insert above line o insert below line I insert beginning of line A insert at the end of line to switch between tabs: ⌘⇧[ / ⌘⇧] Page down crtl + d/f up crtl + b cursor page middle M page top H page bottom L cursor line beginning ENTER end - jump next word w bigword W jump last word b bigword B jump back last edit crtl + o zu zeile 200 springen 200 g g zeilennummer crtl + g dokument-anfang g g dokument-ende G zur zeile springen NUMMER G suchen / next n previews N ignore case :set ic colorize :set hls is open links in helpfile Strg-AltGr-9 zoom nach unten z enter mitte z . nach oben z -
file handling
dateibrowser Sex or e . o (open file in new window) - (level up ) row 20-25 extern :20,25w dateiname read external file :r dateiname new window :sp dateiname (vertikal :vs) wechseln Crtl + W (2mal) groesser Ctrl + W _ alle gleich Ctrl + W = C+w s - horizontal split view C+w v - vertical split view C+w {h,j,k,l} - move to window in respective direction :sp - horizontal split :vsp - vertical split
:r filename embed a file in document :r! command execute system commands (ls) :r! date put date into a file V then !sort filter a region through a command :sh opens a shell