Spot process colours in illustrator

notes for Spot process colours in illustrator:

convert process colour to spot colour (pantone)

double click on the colour in the swatches palette, then chose spot artwork gets only automatically updated with spot colours! with process colours, check global (after double click auf swatch colour)

save swatches in illustrator

click on symbol in swatches palette save as ASE (only colours, no gradients/patterns, compatible with photoshop and indesign)

open swatch library

click on first symbol in swatches palette open swatch library

open specific pantone colour

click on first symbol in swatches palette color books -> pantone solid coated


File -> Document Color Mode


select object click the gradient symbol in swatches window -> gradient drag colour from swatches onto gradient arrows to save, drag gradient (icon) into swatches for diagonal gradient, use gradient tool from toolbar (g) and drag

colour guides

window -> colour guide for the actual colour, the guide will show complimentary usw. save to swatches or command click several colours, then click ADD TO SWATCHES icon

limit colours to pantone colours

window -> colour guide bottom icon -> color books -> PANTONE

artwork colours into swatches

select all (command + a) in swatches palette bottom -> NEW COLOUR GROUP

test different colour schemes with live colour

select all artwork color guide -> click rainbow wheel click CREATE NEW COLOR GROUP to save different variations apply and test inside live color!

reduce number of colours

select all click wheel on top bar colors: 6 click NEW COLOR GROUP

proof colorspace (srgb)

view -> proof setup -> customize -> uncoated/blablabla view -> proof colors

prepare for printer

select all object -> expand -> stroke, fill NOT object (type!) join colours too! GLOBAL!

another method with GLOBAL replacement!

select all in swatches palette click "new colour group" check "convert process to GLOBAL" dann in swatches palette hold down ALT und select colours click on icon and MERGE

Veröffentlicht: 12.2012