notes for Exporting in indesign:
file -> pdf export dialogfeld marks and bleeds check all or what needed
schriften in pfade umwandeln, convert type to outlines edit -> transparency flattener presets -> new name it OUTLINES Line Art and Text Resolution: 2400ppi Gradient and Mesh Resolution: 200ppi Check: Convert All Text to Outlines Check: Convert All Strokes to Outlines danach transparents object auf jede Seite kopieren (kleines Rechteck mit weisser Fuellung und 0% Deckkraft) in PDF-Export Dialog -> Acrobat 4, PDF Version 1.3 (in 1.4 und höher bleiben die Transparenzen erhalten und die Reduzierungsvorgabe greift nicht) dann bei transparency flattener den preset OUTLINES waehlen
interactive dokumente PDFs
PDF speichern dialog -> interactive elements, acrobat 6 hyperlinks
reduce vector PDFs
move all type to one layer illustrations & images on one layer export in indesign als JPG import this jpg als BG export PDF settings: smallest filesize preset compression tab -> change to 170 pixel per inch, high quality ev. 100ppi, wenns knapp wird
Export with transparent objects on page
use HIGH quality print preset go to marks and bleed enable crop marks enable USE Document Bleed Settings
Flatten, Don’t Convert
Edit > Transparency Flattener Presets choose HIGH RESOLUTION and click NEW check CONVERT ALL TEXT TO OUTLINES place a transparant object on the page (1px photoshop file) or a box with 0.1% fill and opacity file export -> high quality print -> acrobat 4 set flattening preset in advanced tab
use it as preset
file -> export preset: high quality print marks and bleeds colours: convert to destination (preserve numbers) select acrobat 4 and flattener preset in advanced
export as pdf
file -> export -> pdf (print)
PDF/X-1a:2001 Acrobat 6 check all OPTIONS
marks and bleeds
turn on!
colors conversion
convert to destination (preserve numbers): converts RGB to cmyk! preserve numbers kann probleme bereiten, bei speziellem farbprofil rausnehmen: convert to destination
transparancy flattener: high resolution, fonts: subset fonts: 0 (so all the font is included not just the used letters)
window -> output -> preflight errors are constantely updated, unten im document oder im preflight window click hyperlink in preflight window to find position dann green light unten im document!
create custom preflight profile
flyout icon -> define profiles click plus
colour spaces now allowed -> check spot colours check overprinting applied in design check overprinting applied to white or color check REGISTRATION applied
images and objects
colour image minimun resolution non proportionally images
missing glyphs non proportionally type scaling then save profile!