notes for Importing/exporting in illustrator:
reduce file size with hugh (but scaled down) photographs
select photo object -> rastarize choose 300 dpi
farb separation
ueber das druck menu eine PS datei erstellen hier einfach alle separationen an- oder abklicken dann das PS file in acrobat distiller ziehen
prepare for printer
export high quality PDF
to save hit: option - command + s select PDF High quality print, PDF/X-4:2007
acrobat pro
advanced -> print production -> preflight prepress -> magazine ad execute
remove [converted] from filename
preferences -> general -> uncheck 'append [converted]'
photoshop pfad importieren
in photoshop layerbrowser -> paths -> click auf path (layer) copy paste in illustrator
pdfs in preview empty
das kann am artboard liegen (elemente sind daneben plaziert) file -> document setup -> edit artboards
get transparent images into illustrator
remove bg in photoshop save as psd place in illustrator