notes for Type in indesign:
text box margin/inset spacing
object -> text frame options
paragraph styles
option + click on NEW (force dialog box, enter name)
break links to styles
paragraph styles panel flyout -> break link to paragraph
remove formatting
select text click little icon in paragaph styles panel (clear overrides)
but keep italics:
create new character style: italic leave APPLY STYLE TO SELECTION unchecked edit -> find/change leave text blanc find format: basic char: italic change format: character style italic search: document
editing styles
just make changes place cursor inside the word styles menu flyout -> redefine style
hidden characters
type -> hidden characters
bulleted & numbered lists
type -> bulleted & numbered lists -> apply settings: in paragraphs tab -> flyout menu -> bullets & numbering left indent: 3 (4) first line indent: -3 (-4)
positive left line indent and negative first line indent create a bullet and then hit tab!
while in paragraph mode -> click icon next to paragraph styles to finetune: option click on bullet button to get symbol chose MINION PRO font type first change left indent, then right indent (indesign rule!) both same numbers!!
einzelne Zeile, widow, headline
paragraph flyout menu ganz oben rechts -> keep options check keep lines together (2), at start/end play with options, but DONT check ALL LINES IN PARAGRAPH!!!!!
baseline grid
window -> view grids & guides -> show baseline grid put cursor in paragraph, make sure paragraph mode (top panel) click on align to baseline grid icon (next to hyphenate) falls es verschiebungen im ersten paragraph gibt (welcher ueber 2 spalten reicht), dann click ganz rechts on icon -> Only align first line to grid
type -> tabs to get tabs aligned with right edge: type -> insert special character -> other -> right indent tab (or shift tab) to get the dotted line, just set another tab with a dot!
hanging punctuation
(pushes hyphens slightly into the margin) type -> story
split paragraph/list in 2
select text chose split 2 from top dropdown box (mitte, neben fontbox) option click on icon next to the dropdown to get options!
change type really fast
with selected type (or in a type box) command + 6 -> jumps right into font dialog, type HELV, tab, semi, usw
character options
option + click on symbols
wort von der silbentrennung ausnehmen
while in type mode -> oben am rechten rand icon -> no break or use "hyphenate" to take it out completely!
nice numbers
select numbers -> rechts aussen menu -> open type -> proportional old style
type 3/4 select 3/4 rechts aussen menu -> open type -> fractions 19th -> open type -> ordinal Sauerstoff (O2) -> opentype -> subscript
find/replace fonts used in document
type -> find font replace unused! WICHTIG: check REDEFINE STYLE WHEN CHANGING!!
gap tool
4tes icon links drag -> move gap modifier keys: shift, option, command to get more results!
align, distribute spaceing, verteilen, arrange
select all objects activate align panel (window -> object & layout -> align) click distribute icon (align panel) and now go into details, select image and caption (oberen 2 objects) enter spacing value, click distribute again
text wrap around images, textfluss, fliessen, float, wrap
window -> text wrap select textbox and image click icon in text wrap box
create grid of objects (with dialog not mouse)
select object edit -> step and repeat
clipping paths
place image (mit weissem bg) select image object -> clipping path -> options
clipping masks
create the shape (type something or draw) convert to outlines select shape file -> place
change placeholder text
put new text in placeholder.txt place this file in indesign folder
insert special characters
Type -> Insert special character -> Symbols or right click anywhere on page -> Insert Special Character
alle sonderzeichen
type -> glyphs use filter box (Show and drop down box)
automatically add text
command + d (place is more reliable than copy/paste!) shift click on text frame to paste! or option shift click to stay on page option drag
threading (link) text boxes
view -> extras -> show text threads
doppelclick on little outport icon
text frame options
object -> text frame options change to 2 columns gutter: distance in between check "balanced columns" to get equal columns (besonders in der letzten!!)
story editor (command y)
edit -> edit in story editor use it to see overset text!
count words
window -> info select text it even counts overset words!
get german swiss dictionary as default one
close ALL documents! type -> character -> set language
rote unterstrichene linie
preferences -> spelling -> enable dynamic spelling
trennungszeichen anpassen/entfernen
window -> type -> paragraph click little icon in paragraph palette -> hyphenation