- Table of Content
- execute function after pressing save button
- call and write variables, forward function from model to controller
- send emails
- open external links in new window
- install old 2.4 silverstripe version auf localhost
- SEO modify breadcrumbs to use navigation label instead of page title
- SEO multilang redirects, routes, forwarding
- modify metatags
- silverstripe forms
- silverstripe if page conditional
- move content fields to tabs
- hide submenu if parent not active
- disable spellchecker in cms
- errorpages
- cms file, pdf, doc, upload
- remove fields von CMS
- security, permissions, disable all content unless admin
- Access control, rollenverteilung, security, users permissions
- caching
- add infofield in CMS
- add checkbox in cms for style changes
- css stylesheets conditionals different page
- create nice login page
- insert button mit site page get id link ins CMS
- remove backend content field
- paste as plain text, remove formatting tinyMCE
- adjust backend css
- subdomain/subfolder in silverstripe root dir
- put site temporarely offline with under construction message
- conditional in templates
- loops
- flexslider responsive slideshow (1030x430)
- menu structur with merged primary & seconday menu
- comments im template
- search bar
- user forms
- multilingual pages translatable
How to find stuff
Please use Browser Search or Scroll down.
execute function after pressing save button
put this in page (not controller)
public function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); $asdf = file_get_contents('http://yourdomain.com/anotherfunction.php'); }
call and write variables, forward function from model to controller
class PageHolder extends Page { static $db = array ( 'uploaded' => 'boolean', ); // create checkerfield here // and set checkerfield on/off from cms public function countUp(){ //$this->uploaded = 1; //$this->uploaded = 0; $this->write(); $this->writeToStage('Stage'); $this->publish("Stage", "Live"); echo $this->uploaded ; } } class PageHolder_Controller extends Page_Controller { public function test(){ $this->countUp(); } } // put $countUp or $test in ss template to call function
send emails
$e = new Email(); $e->To = "someone@example.com"; $e->Subject = "Hi there"; $e->Body = "Do you even lift bro?"; $e->send();
open external links in new window
change page type to redirector then find the navigation template.ss replace this <a href="$Link" > $MenuTitle.XML </a> with this <a href="$Link" <% if RedirectionType = External %>target="_blank"<% end_if %> > $MenuTitle.XML </a>
install old 2.4 silverstripe version auf localhost
create db, import sql then adjust .htaccess with /newroot (slash is wichtig sonst gibts internal server error) change php version from MAMP to 5.2 (sonst gibts substring error)
reset password
put this in _config.php //Security::setDefaultAdmin('Admin', 'password');
SEO modify breadcrumbs to use navigation label instead of page title
open themes/themename/templates/BreadcrumbsTemplate.ss
<% if Pages %> <% if InSection(home) %><% else %> <li><a href="home/">Home</a></li> <% end_if %> <% loop Pages %> <% if Last %><li class="current">$MenuTitle.XML</li><% else %><li><a href="$Link">$MenuTitle.XML</a></li><% end_if %> <% end_loop %> <% end_if %>
SEO multilang redirects, routes, forwarding
create projectpage/mysite/_config/routes.yml
--- Name: customzeugs --- Director: rules: 'asdf': '->testpage/kontakt' 'testpage2/download': '->testpage4/kontakt/'
modify metatags
put this in Page.php (Page extends SiteTree)
public function MetaTags($includeTitle = true) { $tags = ""; if($this->MetaDescription) { $tags .= "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" . Convert::raw2att($this->MetaDescription) . "\" />\n"; } if($this->ExtraMeta) { $tags .= $this->ExtraMeta . "\n"; } $this->extend('MetaTags', $tags); return $tags; }
put this in page.ss
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="<% sprintf(_t('IMAGE','%2.2s'),$Locale.RFC1766) %>"> <head> <% base_tag %> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" /> <title>$Title • $SiteConfig.Title</title> $MetaTags() <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$ThemeDir}/css/style.css" /> </head> <body> ...
open cms/code/model/SiteTree.php
copy MetaTags function
extend SiteTree in Page.php with MetaTags(...) function
$MetaTags(false) -> kein <titel></titel> $MetaTags -> mit <titel></titel>
custom metatags info
<meta name="language" content="en-uk"> -> useless! google uses only content: <html lang="en"><head>... <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> -> deprecated, use: <meta charset="utf-8"> instead <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"> -> just delete this tag to make it visitble again
mit variables und kein $MetaTags in template
metatitle: $MetaTitle title: $Title metadescription: $MetaDescription metakeywords: $MetaKeywords customMeta: $ExtraMeta Nachteil: kein Feld fuer Generator usw... so just customized sitetree.php
silverstripe forms
rename to userforms run /dev/build?flush=1 in cms change page type to User Defined Form click form tab and add forms click options tab and add email recipient
create custom template
create UserDefinedForm.ss in templates/Layout
(ev. copy TestPage.ss inhalt) <div id="UserForm"> $Content $Form </div>
to get bannerpagetwo tabs in cms:
change userforms/code/model/UserDefinedForm.php
declare theme in mysite/_config: SSViewer::set_theme('ThemeName'); when error, templates not found... manually delete all items in cache folder: silverstripe-cache/
different version
silverstripe if page conditional
<% if URLSegment = TestPage || URLSegment = DownloadPage %>
move content fields to tabs
first remove: $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","Title"); $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","URLSegment"); $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","MenuTitle"); $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","Metadata"); then add to tab: $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.NewTab", new TextField('Title','Title')); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.NewTab", new TextField('URLSegment','URL')); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.NewTab", new TextField('MenuTitle','Menu title')); add with sections: $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new ToggleCompositeField('UniqueName', 'Section Name', array( new TextField('HeroTitle', 'Title'), ) ), 'Metadata');
hide content fields for non admins, permissions
// first remove field $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","Title"); // if admin if(Permission::check('ADMIN')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.NewTab", new TextField('Title','Title')); }else{ }
hide submenu if parent not active
<% if Menu(2) %> <div class="panel-menu hide-on-print"> <% with Level(2) %> <h3><a href="$Link">$MenuTitle.XML</a></h3> <% end_with %> <ul class="side-nav"> <% if LinkOrSection = section %> <% loop $Menu(2) %> <li class="item-$Pos <% if LinkingMode == current %>active<% end_if %><% if LinkingMode == section %>activesub<% else %>inactivesub<% end_if %> <% if Children %>has-dropdown<% end_if %>"> <a href="$Link"> $MenuTitle.XML </a> <%-- first level --%> <% if Children %> <ul class="dropdown panel-sub "> <% loop Children %> <li class="<% if LinkingMode == current %>active<% end_if %> sub-item-$Pos"> <a href="$Link" class="link-$Pos" title="Go to the $Title.XML page">$MenuTitle.XML</a> </li> <% end_loop %> </ul> <% end_if %> <%-- end first level --%> </li> <% end_loop %> <% end_if %> </ul> </div> <% end_if %>
disable spellchecker in cms
put this in _config.php
// disable spellchecker HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('spellcheck','false');
create ErrorPage.ss in themes -> borders -> templates -> ErrorPage
cms file, pdf, doc, upload
put this in page template
static $db = array ( ); static $has_one = array ( 'PrintPdf' => 'File', ); public function getGeneratedCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", $PrintPdf = UploadField::create('PrintPdf', _t('PDF_Print_preview.PRINTPDF', 'PrintPdf'))); $PrintPdf->setAllowedMaxFileNumber(1); $PrintPdf->setFolderName('customfolder'); $PrintPdf->setOverwriteWarning(false); //remove content field $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","Content"); // remove page infos $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","Title"); $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","URLSegment"); $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","MenuTitle"); $fields->removeFieldFromTab("Root.Main","Metadata"); return $fields; } public function getCMSFields() { $fields = $this->getGeneratedCMSFields(); return $fields; }
put this in ANY ss template
(include php in includes and any page) <% with $Page(TestPageDownload) %> <% if $PrintPdf %> <p class="asdf"> <a href="$PrintPdf.URL" title="Download $PrintPdf.Title" target="_blanc"><img class="leftAlone" title="" src="assets/Uploads/icons-pdf.gif" alt="icons pdf" width="20" height="20" /> PDF Download ($PrintPdf.Size)</a> </p> <% end_if %> <% end_with %>
remove fields von CMS
remove default content field
remove meta field
remove tab
security, permissions, disable all content unless admin
after that content will be greyed out!
put this in TestPage.php
public function canEdit($member = null){ if (Permission::check('ADMIN')){ return true; }else{ // do something here if applicable } }
Access control, rollenverteilung, security, users permissions
groups -> based on identity (objects, subjects) roles -> based on activities (permissions)
create groups, create users, assign them (no permissions! leave everything empty!) create roles: uploader, event_editor with permissions! then click on the group -> tab roles and assign role to group who can view (frontend!): go to parent page and set -> inherit (or anyone) ! who can edit: go to parent page and set -> group to hide content from other groups just create another page, hidden from menus and set VIEW to GROUP create new group: TestGroup permissionstab -> check Access to 'Pages' section create new user: TestUser (user email address as login!) assign to group TestGroup select Test root page -> settings -> set Viewer Groups & Editor Groups -> TestGroup ... create another group/user for Test2 they can now only see their pages! (and all unassigned ones!)
ACHTUNG!! to create new templates caching (in _myconfig) must be disabled!! time reset to 5 sek!
create cache folder
create silverstripe-cache folder in silverstripe root then run /?flush=all
caching objects
<% cached 'superduperfunction', LastEdited %> <% end_cached %> (bei dieser variante gibt es einen refresh, sobald auf speichern geklickt wird) oder (aber hier gibts kein refresh, ohne speichern!) <% cached %> <% end_cached %>
set time out for cache
in _config.php
// set expiration to one hour SS_Cache::set_cache_lifetime($for = 'any', $lifetime = 3600, $priority = 100);
cache if user is logged in
<!-- don't cache if the current user is logged-in --> <% cached unless CurrentUser %> <!-- cache only if the current user is logged-in --> <% cached if CurrentUser %>
clear cache as admin
https://github.com/tractorcow/silverstripe-dynamiccache nice explanations with set time: http://www.balbuss.com/partial-caching/
add infofield in CMS
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", LiteralField::create('info', _t('TestPage.INFO', '<br /><br /><br /> <p><strong>CUstom Upload </strong> </p> <p>• auf folgenden Link klicken <a href="#" target="_blanc">Upload</a> </p> <p>• auf <strong>Upload</strong> klicken</p> <br /><br /><br />')), 'Content');
add checkbox in cms for style changes
static $db = array ( 'checker' => 'boolean' ); public function getGeneratedCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", CheckboxField::create('checker', _t('TestPage.CHECKER', 'remove yellow frame')), 'Content'); return $fields; } public function getCMSFields() { $fields = $this->getGeneratedCMSFields(); return $fields; }
<% if $checker %> $rechts <% else %> <div class="panel-type"> $rechts </div> <% end_if %>
css stylesheets conditionals different page
<% if ClassName == Pagename1 %> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$ThemeDir}/css/test1.css" /> <% else_if ClassName == Pagename2 %> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$ThemeDir}/css/test2.css" /> <% end_if %>
oder in anderen templates
<% if ClassName = HomePage %> <% include Menu2 %> <% end_if %> <% if InSection(Testpage) %><% else %> <!-- <div class="row"> --> <!-- <div class="large-9 push-3 columns "> --> <!-- <% include Breadcrumbs %> --> <!-- </div> --> <!-- </div> --> <% end_if %>
create nice login page
copy page template and rename it: Security.ss
insert button mit site page get id link ins CMS
<a class="small button expand radius" href="[sitetree_link,id=191]">Book Online</a> <p><a class="small button expand radius" href="[sitetree_link,id=141]" target="_blank">ASDF</a></p> (to get ID, in cms hover over page tree and see status bar)
remove backend content field
paste as plain text, remove formatting tinyMCE
HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('paste_text_sticky','true'); HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('paste_text_sticky_default','true'); // add a button to remove formatting HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->insertButtonsBefore( 'styleselect', 'removeformat' ); // tel the button which tags it may remove HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption( 'removeformat_selector', 'b,strong,em,i,span,ul,li,ins' );
adjust backend css
in editor.css /* Import the common styles from typography like link colors. */ @import 'app.css'; /* We want the backend editor to have a bigger font as well though */ .typography * { font-size: 150% }
subdomain/subfolder in silverstripe root dir
create .htaccess in new folder with: RewriteEngine Off
put site temporarely offline with under construction message
name module underconstruction and put it in root run a dev/build settings -> access -> check under construction edit assets/error-503.html <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Domain.com</title> </head> <body> <h1>Domain.com</h1> <p>Welcome!</p> </body> </html>
update the error page with the current design
delete the error-503.html page in the /assets folder run /dev/build again
https://github.com/frankmullenger/silverstripe-underconstruction http://silverstripe-webdevelopment.com/tricks/putting-a-site-temporary-offline/
conditional in templates
<% if $MyDinner="kipper" %> Yummy, kipper for tea. <% end_if %>
<% loop Children.Limit(5) %> <% if $MultipleOf(5) %> <div class="unit size1of5 lastUnit"> <% else %> <div class="unit size1of5"> <% end_if %> <article> <h1>$Date.nice</h1> <h2>Variety</h2> <p>$Variety </p> <h2>Vegi</h2> <p>$Vegi</p> <h2>Classic</h2> <p>$Classic</p> </article> </div> <% end_loop %> http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/reference/templates
display date
in page controller
function showTime(){ return date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'); } // get all events in the future function CurrentTime(){ return ($events) ? DataObject::get("event", "`date` > CURDATE()", "", "", $num) : false; }
in page template
$showTime or just use $Now $LastEdited $LastEdited.Format(d M Y h:i a)
flexslider responsive slideshow (1030x430)
copy into site root and rename: flexslider run /dev/build add to _config.php: Object::add_extension('Page', 'FlexSliderExtension'); change flexslider/javascript/flexslider.template.js: $ to jQuery add this to ss template (before typography, after main): <div class="line inner content-container unit size1of1 lastUnit"> $FlexSlider(1,1030,430) </div> change this in flexslider/thirdparty/Flexslider/flexslider.css: .flexslider {margin: 2px 0 60px 10px; background: none; border: none; position: relative; zoom: 1;} .flexslider img { -webkit-border-radius: 14px; -moz-border-radius: 14px; -o-border-radius: 14px; border-radius: 14px; }
menu structur with merged primary & seconday menu
<nav class="primary"> <span class="nav-open-button">²</span> <ul> <% loop Menu(1) %> <li class="$LinkingMode"><a href="$Link" title="$Title.XML">$MenuTitle</a> <div class="sec"> <% if Children(1) %> <ul> <% loop Children(1) %> <li><a href="$Link" title="$Title.XML">$MenuTitle</a> <% if Children(2) %> <ul> <% loop Children(2) %> <li class="$LinkingMode"><a href="$Link" title="$Title.XML" class="dir">$MenuTitle</a> <% if Children(3) %> <ul> <% loop Children(3) %> <li class="$LinkingMode"><a href="$Link" title="$Title.XML" class="dir">$MenuTitle</a> </li> <% end_loop %> </ul> <% end_if %> </li> <% end_loop %> </ul> <% end_if %> </li> <% end_loop %> </ul> <% end_if %> </div> </li> <% end_loop %> </ul> </nav>
comments im template
<%-- put your comments here --%>
search bar
in mysite/_config.php FulltextSearchable::enable(); then http://localhost:8888/ss/dev/build?flush=all
to adjust for multidevice change layout.css
.search-bar { position: absolute; right: 9px; top: 0; } .tablet-nav .search-bar { position: absolute; right: 28px; top: 85px; }
user forms
rename to userforms, copy to root run dev/build find new pagetype "user defined form" in cms
multilingual pages translatable
http://www.silverstripe.org/translatable-module/ http://www.silverstripe.org/all-other-modules/show/19176
first set default language
i18n::set_locale('cs_CZ'); /dev/build/?flush=1
then edit _config
//default translation Translatable::set_default_locale('de_DE'); /* restrict the language select dropdown in the admin to only those languages that you will actually use. */ Translatable::set_allowed_locales(array( 'de_DE', //Deutsch 'en_GB', //UK English 'fr_FR', //Franz. 'it_IT' //Ital. ) ); Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable'); Object::add_extension('SiteConfig', 'Translatable');
then add new language in backend
backend -> settings -> translations -> set new language!!
Add switcher
<% if Translations %> <div id="lang" class="clear"> <ul class="clear"> <% control Translations %> <li> <a href="$Link" hreflang="$Locale.RFC1766" title="$Title - $Locale.Nice"> <img src="$ThemeDir/images/lang-<% sprintf(_t('IMAGE','%2.2s'),$Locale.RFC1766) %>.gif"> </a> </li> <% end_control %> </ul> </div> <% end_if %>
Add images of flags
lang-en.gif lang-de.gif lang-fr.gif lang-it.gif put them into: themes/yourtheme/images flush cache
text only switcher
<% if Translations %> <div id="lang" class="flags"> <ul class="flags"> <% control Translations %> <li> <a href="$Link" hreflang="$Locale.RFC1766" title="$Title - $Locale.Nice"> <% sprintf(_t('IMAGE','%2.2s'),$Locale.RFC1766) %> </a> </li> <% end_control %> </ul> </div> <% end_if %>
switch content per language
<% control Translations %> <% if Locale == "en_US" %> <a href="$Link">English version </a> <% end_if %> <% if Locale == "de_DE" %> <a href="$Link">Deutsche Version</a> <% end_if %> <% end_control %>
url segment
first create complete sitetree for one language then translate all or translate parent (holder) too
http://www.ssbits.com/tutorials/2011/using-translatable-to-create-a-simple-multilingual-site/ http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/2.3/topics/translation