- Table of Content
- photoshop pfad importieren
- rotate artboard document size
- reset preferences star
- reset preferences star
- create a grid
- artboard controls
- grunge merge with objects
- artboard controls
- non printing layers
- pdfs in preview empty
- clipping masks expand
- get transparent images into illustrator
- graslandschaft
- reduce file size with hugh (but scaled down) photographs
- farb separation
- perspektivenraster ausblenden
- prepare for printer
- merge colours
- find specific pantone
- convert cmyk to spot (pantone) colours
- ribbons
- selections
- auge
- brushes
- crop
- gradientmesh
- images
- blends
- effects
- symbols
- masks
- brushes
- transform
- patterns
- colours
- paste
- livepaint
- welcome
- tracing
- appearances
- selections
- type
- paths
- drawing
- proof
- preview
- guides
- grid
- interface
- shortcuts
- New File Settings, dpi
- pdfs optimieren, resume
- spirograph 3
- spirograph 2
- spirograph 1
- overlapping of colors
- Bleed Marks
- Live Color
- Appearance / Live Effects
- objekte ineinander morphen with BLEND
- additional type support: PRO/opentype
- handle simple shapes
- trace an photograph
- join / divide paths
How to find stuff
Please use Browser Search or Scroll down.
photoshop pfad importieren
in photoshop layerbrowser -> paths -> click auf path (layer) copy paste in illustrator
rotate artboard document size
select artboard tool (viert unterstes) dann oben in menubar, click landscape/portrait icon press enter to change size!
reset preferences star
go to applications -> illustrator -> illustrator hold down shift, crtl, option, cmd and doppelclick illustrator (vom dock funktionnierts nicht)
reset preferences star
go to applications -> illustrator -> illustrator hold down shift, crtl, option, cmd and doppelclick illustrator (vom dock funktionnierts nicht)
create a grid
make a square artboard draw a line and select it effect -> distort & transform -> transform preview and copies
artboard controls
shift + o
grunge merge with objects
grunge shape als eps/pdf importieren dann (kein brush oder sowas): einfach grunge stuff object rueberlegen und ne knallige farbe geben dann select all und merge in pathfinder dann ungroup und die knallige farbe isolieren und loeschen
artboard controls
shift + o
non printing layers
doppelclick auf layer -> print
pdfs in preview empty
das kann am artboard liegen (elemente sind daneben plaziert) file -> document setup -> edit artboards
clipping masks expand
die clipping mask freistellen (als einziges objekt) object -> clipping masks -> edit contents object -> expand / expand appearance deselected select clipping mask -> pathfinder -> crop
get transparent images into illustrator
remove bg in photoshop save as psd place in illustrator
musterpinsel nehmen
reduce file size with hugh (but scaled down) photographs
select photo object -> rastarize choose 300 dpi
farb separation
ueber das druck menu eine PS datei erstellen hier einfach alle separationen an- oder abklicken dann das PS file in acrobat distiller ziehen
perspektivenraster ausblenden
crtl shift i
prepare for printer
export high quality PDF
to save hit: option command s select PDF High quality print, PDF/X-4:2007
acrobat pro
advanced -> print production -> preflight prepress -> magazine ad execute
merge colours
select all, click on "create colour group" icon, deselect first click remaining colour in swatches, then others then click on icon -> merge
find specific pantone
swatches palette -> color books -> pantone solid coated click auf kleines icon -> show find field
convert cmyk to spot (pantone) colours
select all, hit little icon in swatches palette (new colour group) doppelclick on the folder icon of the colour group (in swatches panel) (or single click on folder and then click the wheel icon (edit or apply colour group)) now all swatches should be selected there should be a little wheel icon now in the swatches panel click on icon LIMIT COLOUR GROUP chose pantone solid coated!
pfad mit stift zeichnen effect -> 3d -> extrude & bevel preview bevel: classic shading colour: none
select -> object -> text object
cmd click auf auge
install brushes
unzip move the file to Illustrator -> Presets -> Brushes after than go to window -> brush libraries
crop artwork to the artboard
file -> document setup -> remember size (zb 500x700)! rectangle tool -> click on artboard -> enter artboard dimensions (500x700) bring rectangle to front (must be on TOP layer) window -> align icon -> CHECK align to artboard now select rect. and align in middle select all (cmd a) window -> pathfinder -> hit the CROP button (4te)
select gradient mesh (icon links) click inside object then click on a different colour in swatches
use photograph or rastarize vektor before using this file -> place -> image filter -> create -> object mosaic check DELETE raster
creating blends
object -> blend -> make
to blend color between 2 stars
select both (red and yellow) stars and create blend then options -> specific steps
to move the stars on a path
create path and stars with blend object -> blend -> replace spline
airbrush effects on balloon
create red ballon as a plain red shape then create a white plain shape on top of balloon select both object -> blend -> make
balloon animation
create 2 ballons create a spline (where the balloon should move) select both balloons object -> blend -> make object -> blend -> blend options spacing: specific steps: 25 then hold down shift key and add the movement path to the selection object -> blend -> replace spline
to animate
select the blend go to layers panel klick on BLEND click on icon in layers palette -> release to layers in sequence file -> save for web and devices select 2nd preview window fileformat: swf layers to swf frames check loop frame rate 6 preview it with the icon on the bottom (statusbar)
to morph 2 objects
draw 2 lines (ganz oben duenne linie, ganz unten ne dicke linie) select both object -> blend -> make object -> blend -> blend options spacing -> specific steps: 15 use direct selection tool to move only one corner
resolution settings
effects -> document raster effects it's important to work in the right resolution, or the artwork will be scaled when resolution changes! to get around this only use Illustrator effects! there are 2 kinds of Effects in the effects menu:
Illustrator effects
those get scaled proportionally, no matter what resolution
Photoshop effects
those DEPEND on the resolution, only use when the right resolution is set!
square problem when gaussian blur is applied
effects -> document raster effects -> add 100pt around object
applying effects
effects -> illustrator effects -> stylise -> feather
change effects
to change it, go to APPEARANCE palette
3d extrude fuer knoepfe, buttons usw
create a ONE shape objects (holes must be cut out with pathfinder!) effect -> 3d -> extrude & bevel fuer runde kanten: bevel: rounded turn on options to see lighting change blend steps to get smoother results!
3d revolve fuer flaschen, zylinder usw
create half of the bottle effects -> 3d -> revolve group objects if they rotate separately!
3d Artwork mapping
artwork needs to be defined as symbol! create shape for 3d effects -> 3d extrude & bevel -> map art select symbols here
create clones & mutiple copies with transform effect
effect -> distort & transform -> transform check copy and enter values for move horizontally
Outlines and EDITABLE text
write text window -> appearance icon -> add new stroke effects -> path -> offset path efects -> pathfinder -> add
arrowheads, drop shadow and rounded corners
create a line effects -> stylize -> add arrowheads -> drop shadow -> round corners
-> scribble ( fuelle flaeche mit strichlinien!)
in appearance panel klick on fill first duplicate fill to get copy of another fill + scribble -> warp update it in appearance panel
use this as a library, when graphic styes isn't enough (shapes cannot be changed in appearances!) libraries, bei click auf symbol!
defining symbols
window -> symbols draw object (or drag one from the symbols palette onto canvas) options: chose GRAPHIC (movie clip is for flash!)
replace symbols
select symbols on the canvas then select new symbol in the palette icon -> replace symbol
update symbols
double click on symbol -> edit it's updated! or drag new graphic onto old one in symbols palette
symbol sprayer tool
(in der symbolleiste links) hold down option key to get 'opposite' use stainer tool to change color
place image click on MASK (oben) back: object -> clipping mask -> release
clipping masks
select both objects (text on top) create clipping mask
layer masks
draw path on photo click on mask (in layers palette)
opacity mask
create black and white gradient move it on top of photograph window -> transparency icon -> make opacity mask
calligraphic brush
window -> brushes click on NEW -> calligraphic brush use variation, pressure with wacom tablet
scatter brush
works only for vector graphics (no gradients, pattern usw) select artwork (bug) new brush -> new scatter brush rotation relative to: path scatter random create IN and OUT of values, drag arrows!
art brush
(create arrow graphic) select graphic new -> art brush
pattern brush
new brush -> pattern brush brush library -> borders doppelklick auf pattern to edit corners usw
to transform object AND stroke
window -> transform click on icon -> scale strokes and effects
repeat transformation, rotate star
turn on grid and snap to grid hold down option + drag the circle draw star command + y (outline mode) press r for rotate tool hold down option and click on the center of the circle 30 grad and COPY command + d
transform each object (each has it's own orient point)
select all object -> transform -> transform each
align to center of object
select both objects click again on the key object (to define center) click the align (horiz. and vert.) buttons
create pattern
(create square, boundaries) create the shape of the pattern drag shape into swatches
drag pattern from swatches onto artboard
click on first symbol on the bottom of swatches palette -> patterns
convert process colour to spot colour (pantone)
double click on the colour in the swatches palette, then chose spot artwork gets only automatically updated with spot colours! with process colours, check global (after double click auf swatch colour)
save swatches in illustrator
click on symbol in swatches palette save as ASE (only colours, no gradients/patterns, compatible with photoshop and indesign)
open swatch library
click on first symbol in swatches palette open swatch library
open specific pantone colour
click on first symbol in swatches palette color books -> pantone solid coated
select object click the gradient symbol in swatches window -> gradient drag colour from swatches onto gradient arrows to save, drag gradient (icon) into swatches for diagonal gradient, use gradient tool from toolbar (g) and drag
colour guides
window -> colour guide for the actual colour, the guide will show complimentary usw. save to swatches or command click several colours, then click ADD TO SWATCHES icon
limit colours to pantone colours
window -> colour guide bottom icon -> color books -> PANTONE
artwork colours into swatches
select all (command + a) in swatches palette bottom -> NEW COLOUR GROUP
test different colour schemes with live colour
select all artwork color guide -> click rainbow wheel click CREATE NEW COLOR GROUP to save different variations apply and test inside live color!
reduce number of colours
select all click wheel on top bar colors: 6 click NEW COLOR GROUP
prepare for printer
select all object -> expand -> stroke, fill NOT object (type!) join colours too! GLOBAL!
another method with GLOBAL replacement!
select all in swatches palette click "new colour group" check "convert process to GLOBAL" dann in swatches palette hold down ALT und select colours click on icon and MERGE
to past in same spot (instead of command + v)
command + f
select paths create livepaint group (paths can be open!)
with type
create paths (type and other shapes) select all click with the live paint bucket
gap detection
object -> live paint -> gap options
live paint selection tool
ueberstehende linien einfach loeschen! or paths with different stroke attributes
access start screen once it's dissabled
help -> welcome screen
place image (embed) doubleclick on layer, create template layer, dim 30%
click on blue text 'stroke' in menubar align stroke to: center, inside, outside
add new stroke
in panel click icon -> add new stroke
stacking order of objects
bring to front/back: shift command [
stacking of stroke/fill
in appearance panel, move fill on top of stroke
swatches, colours
shift + click into menubar colour icons
get default colours/stroke
d stroke 90 add stroke 80, midgrey add stroke 5, yellow, dashed line effect -> stylize -> drop shadow (object -> expand appearance)
save appearances into styles
window -> graphic styles drag icon in appearances window (first icon) into graphic styles double click on it and name it
edit styles
click on style to edit, edit it 'option' + drag it on top of old icon (in graphic styles)
copy appearance attributes to another object
default settings with eyedropper tool work for basic appearances (1 stroke, 1 fill) for complex appearances, double click on eyedropper tool check Appearance on both sides
filters vs effects
filters are oldschool, once applied they cannot be changed anymore effects remain editable (to edit click on effect in 'appearance' panel)
outline a group of objects with a stroke (or shadow)
create 3 objects, add them to a group, select group window -> appearance click auf kleines icon -> add new stroke move stroke below content
or apply a style on a layer
create graphic style click on circle on layer, then on style
or use offset to outline
convert type to outlines then copy and paste with command + f (to create a copy on the same spot) object -> path -> offset path (preview, 8px) window -> pathfinder click add shape, expand press d key arrange -> send to back
switch between v and current tool (like hand tool)
selection tool (schwarzer pfeil)
transform, gruppen
direct selection tool (weisser pfeil)
'option' + click (twice on object) to select groups direkter zugriff auf objekt (ohne ungroup!)
magic wand tool
window -> magic wand turn on 'show' stuff from the icon select object by colour, opacity usw same functionality with the direct selection tool: V (for direct selection tool), then in menubar: select similar objects
saving selections
select -> save selection select -> edit selection
basic type
click on type symbol and drag square type -> area type options
character settings
hold down 'option' + 'arrows' to change kerning
window -> type click on symbol in palette -> show options, every line composer
first line left indent: 6pt space before paragraph: 6pt space after paragraph: 6pt
2 columns
type -> area type options -> columns nr 2 or click on 'startpunkt' oder 'endpunkt' von textbox und drag new window
type on a path
writing on open paths
draw path (open path) click on (open path) and type something crtl + A to select 'all' typed type shift command > 'increase' text/font size click on direct selection tool (white arrow) to see more options type -> type on a path -> type on a path options
writing on closed paths
hold down 'option' then click on path, otherwise area type! crtl + a to select all, then 'option' 'shift' pfeil up/down to change baseline
paragraph styles
window -> type -> paragraph styles
cycling through fonts
use photoshop in photoshop select font field and up/down arrows
block shadow
create outlines select hold shift + option and slightly move downwards (1mm) then press cmd + d many times select all -> pathfinder -> unite
create outlines select type hold shift + option and drag a copy downwards select both -> pathfinder -> UNITE with the DELETE ANCHOR TOOL delete points to make diagonals then with White arrow, select the edge points and delete (leave start and beginning points and connect them, cmd+j)
anchor points
corner point, click (no drag) smooth point: have control handles, click and drag combination point: option + drag control handle
convert anchor points
shift + C convert anchor point tool click once to convert to 'corner' anchor point click and drag to convert to 'smooth' anchor point option + drag handle to create 'combination' anchor point
click on add/substract then 'expand' (or they are still editable)
pfade gleichlang AVERAGE
direct selection tool -> select points object -> path -> average
gepunktete linien
dash 0 gap 20 object -> path -> outline stroke
anzahlt anchor points reduzieren
object -> path -> simplify
outline mode
command + y
split object into grid
draw rectangle object -> path -> split into grid
clean up paths, extra points, empty objects, unpainted objects
object -> path -> clean up
closed shapes
while drawing (the rectangle), hold down the 'spacebar' to position! while drawing use 'arrow' keys to round corners (if round square is selected) or to change the sides of the polygon tool (to get a triangle) or to get a star (to change length of rays, hold down 'command') or select tool and then 'click' on artboard to get the dialog box first hold down 'option' key, then draw, to draw from the center
open shapes: arc, lines, spirals
while drawing: F to mirror C to close
best for drawing with wacom tablet 'doubleclick' on pentool icon to get 'preferences' turn off "keep selected" to "draw over same line without correcting" hold down 'command' to 'select' while still in pentool mode
paintbrush tool
use for pressure sensivity (wacom tablet!) use with caligraphic brushes
proof colorspace (srgb)
view -> proof setup -> customize -> uncoated/blablabla view -> proof colors
toggle outlines/paths
command + y
see accurate pantone/spot colours
view -> overprint preview
turn on rulers drag them from the ruler right click on canvas to lock them (they are just objects!) guide snap under mouse cursor, NOT object!
transform object into guide
select object (rectangle) and VIEW -> GUIDES -> MAKE GUIDES
rightclick -> show grid VIEW -> transparency grid (like photoshop)
snap to grid
transparency grid (like photoshop bg)
view -> transparency grid settings: file -> document preferences -> transparency
to hide panels
shift + tab
to hide only right panels
define shortcuts
edit -> keyboard shortcuts
File -> Document Color Mode
New File Settings, dpi
File -> New click advanced, choose resolution, colour mode
pdfs optimieren, resume
zuerst in illustrator
create outlines save as PDF smallest filesize!
dann in acrobat pro
combine, save and add links!
spirograph 3
- create organic shape - fill with color, window -> transparency, 40%, multiply - select rotate tool, hold down option key, enter 10, copy
spirograph 2
http://veerle-v2.duoh.com/blog/comments/illustratorfull_spectrumspirograph/ - create 36 swatches, full spectrum - create a perfect circle, turn on smart guides (view) - select black arrow, hold down SHIFT + option, drag new circle center to old c. edge - select both, pathfinder -> intersect, expand - window -> transparency, 25%, mode: multiply - Select Rotate Tool (R), hold down Option and click on the bottom anchor point - enter 10 (360°/36), click copy - each time select another colour of the swatches
spirograph 1
http://www.slicktutorials.com/spirograph-effect - draw an ellipse (transparent filling) - select rotate, in the tool palette - click ca 1 in below the ellipse - then click next to the ellipse and rotate it, hold alt for cope - now press COMMAND+D for repeating this step
overlapping of colors
- create 2 overlapping objects with different colours - (cmyk colors, others don't work with hard mix) - effects -> pathfinder -> hard mix
Bleed Marks
setup document 8x9 in draw rectangle over whole document object -> crop area -> make file -> document setup -> + 0.5 in rulers -> put guides on original size
Live Color
click on color guide, unten buntes rad: EDIT COLORS
Appearance / Live Effects
select path, click on small symbol in appearance panel add new stroke, effects -> path -> offset path
outline several objects:
select objects, group them add 2 times fill, effects -> path -> offset path
objekte ineinander morphen with BLEND
objects -> blend -> make objects -> blend -> blend options -> specific steps! now drag gradients on it!
additional type support: PRO/opentype
window -> workspace type window -> type -> open type
handle simple shapes
click on simple shape tool (rectangle, circle, polygon, usw) drag and hold shift to get a square shape, hold option to get new centerpoint hold space to move object around press arrow keys with polygon tool to add/remove sides!! usw.
trace an photograph
new image file -> place -> photo.jpg klick "live trace" in menubar klick auf grauen kasten (neben preset) in menubar settings: treshold: amount of black!! blur: 0.2 klick "expand" wenn fertig
join / divide paths
create intersecting line on top of the other object object -> path -> divide objects below