- Table of Content
- Anki Spaced Learning App
- gif creation with ffmpeg and quicktimeplayer
- setting up mamp with ssl (with chrome working)
- sync folders on osx with cron
- search multiple files at once in finder
- quicktime pro 7
- keynote
- clickit
- powerpoint 2011 mac
How to find stuff
Please use Browser Search or Scroll down.
Anki Spaced Learning App
LEARN EVERY DAY, or cards will pile up...
spacebar SHOW ANSWER 1 1min (Again) 2 10min (Good) 3 1day (Easy) 4 2days e Edit card (while studying!)
custom study session
(independant from reviewed/learned cards) decks -> select one (or parent) tools -> create filtered deck Search: remove is:due uncheck reschedule cards ..
adding a new deck
type: basic deck: Collection::Geography::Aargau
importing txt files, format
just create a textfile with following format: question ; answer question ; answer i.e.: Wann war die letzte Eiszeit? ; vor 10'000 Jahren! Wann war das Schweizer Gebiet erstmals besiedelt? ; vor 300'000 Jahren then just click the import button and select the txt file
image occlusion
tools -> addons -> get addons 1374772155 image occlusion enhanced then restart anki in field -> click last icon to open dialog then select image and drag rectangles over titles tipp: use PNSs with transparency, for dark mode
reset due days
click deck to change -> browse -> click address bar -> ENTER (this gets all cards of current deck) edit -> select all cards -> reschedule -> OK
batch import scanned images or cards into anki
photograph existing flashcards
use a tag in filename, to distingish Q&A (in captureone just add color tag to "questions" and export) IMG-01-green.jpg IMG-02.jpg IMG-03-green.jpg IMG-04.jpg
copy media into anki
tools -> preferences -> backups -> open backup folder then go UP one level to find media.collections folder copy all jpgs/png into the media.collections folder
create a text file for importing
for front/back side of the flashcard <img src="IMG-01-green.jpg" /> ; <img src="IMG-02.jpg" /> <img src="IMG-03-green.jpg" /> ; <img src="IMG-04.jpg" />
import text file into anki
import -> select text file check Allow HTML in fields
options: Review tab: 9999
enable night mode (dark colour scheme)
tools -> addons -> get addons: 1496166067 then restart application, find View tab
flipped sides
start session edit -> cards -> flip
introvideos & manual
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8FOwi-NrVk https://apps.ankiweb.net/docs/manual.html#features
gif creation with ffmpeg and quicktimeplayer
screen recording (only application window)
Quicktime playerX -> new screen recording -> then drag a window
trim the beginning/end of movie
then set IN/OUT with old Quicktime and save again
slice movie into pngs, 320 width, auto height, framerate 10
mkdir output ffmpeg -i recorded.mov -r 10 output/ffout%3d.png (fullsize!) ffmpeg -i recorded.mov -vf scale=800:-1 -r 10 output/ffout%3d.png
image magick to create the final gif
convert -delay 8 -loop 0 -layers Optimize output/ffout*.png output/animation2.gif -------
video streams
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0 -map_metadata 0:5:0 -c copy output.mp4
create mp3 from wav
(for 256 kbit mp3) ffmpeg -i audio.wav -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 256k audio.mp3 (for 190 kbit variable mp3) ffmpeg -i audio.wav -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 2 audio.mp3
create mp4 for web (with sound)
ffmpeg -i input.mov -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -crf 22 -preset veryslow -vf scale=1080:-2 -movflags +faststart -threads 0 output.mp4
without sound
ffmpeg -i input.mov -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -crf 22 -preset veryslow -vf scale=1080:-2 -an -movflags +faststart -threads 0 output.mp4
ffmpeg -i input.mov -vcodec h264 -threads 0 -acodec aac -strict -2 output.mp4 ffmpeg -an -i input.mov -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -level 3 output.mp4 (more compatible) ffmpeg -i my-original-video.wmv -vcodec libx264 -f mp4 -vb 1024k -preset slow my-new-video.mp4
create webm for web (with sound)
ffmpeg -i input.mov -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 25 -crf 4 -b:v 1M -vf scale=720:-2 -threads 0 output.webm
without sound
ffmpeg -i input.mov -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 25 -crf 4 -b:v 1M -vf scale=720:-2 -an -threads 0 output.webm
ffmpeg -i input.mov -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -b:v 1M -acodec libvorbis output.webm
getting info
ffmpeg -i example.mp4 -hide_banner
Extracting the audio
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vn audio_only.ogg
trim 8 sek, then scale to max 400 width/ auto height
ffmpeg -t 8 -i recorded.mov -vf scale=320:-1 -r 10 output/ffout%3d.png ffmpeg -t 8 -i recorded.mov -filter:v scale=400:-1 -c:a copy output.mkv
convert directly to gif
ffmpeg -t 8 -i recorded.mov new.gif
find device
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i "" (finds devices: Facetime camera, Screen, Microphone)
(ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i "<screen device index>:<audio device index>" output.mkv) ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i "1:0" output.mkv
get infos
ffmpeg -i file.mkv output is 2880x1800
crop the file
ffmpeg -i output.mkv -filter:v "crop=320:240:0:0" -c:a copy top_left.mkv
setting up mamp with ssl (with chrome working)
in mamp -> preferences -> change port to 80 (set web & mysql to 80 button) then in terminal as user run this long line: openssl req \ -newkey rsa:2048 \ -x509 \ -nodes \ -keyout server.key \ -new \ -out server.crt \ -subj /CN=localhost \ -reqexts SAN \ -extensions SAN \ -config <(cat /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf \ <(printf '[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost')) \ -sha256 \ -days 3650 cp server.crt /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache cp server.key /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf -> uncomment line: Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf <VirtualHost *:443> SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/server.key </VirtualHost> open keychain -> system -> file -> import /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/server.crt then find localhost file in keychain -> right click -> info -> trust -> always trust
remove annoying MAMP admin message
give sudo permissions to mamp
login in terminal as admin sudo visudo -> add this: USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /Applications/MAMP/bin/startApache.sh USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /Applications/MAMP/bin/stop.sh
#! /bin/bash sudo /Applications/MAMP/bin/startApache.sh & /Applications/MAMP/bin/startMysql.sh & exit 0
https://serverfault.com/questions/845766/generating-a-self-signed-cert-with-openssl-that-works-in-chrome-58 https://gist.github.com/jfloff/5138826 https://teamtreehouse.com/community/mamp-y-u-always-ask https://stackoverflow.com/questions/207786/stop-password-prompt-on-mamp-startup
sync folders on osx with cron
use crontab to schedule
crontab -l list jobs crontab -e then add stuff 0 */2 * * * /Users/USERNAME/myScript.sh >>/tmp/auto-update.log 2>&1
test if cron is running on macx
ps ax | grep [c]ron
find error in script
*/2 * * * * /script.sh >>/tmp/auto-update.log 2>&1
MM HH DD MM WKD -- Minutes, Hour, Day, Month, Weekday (eg. Sun, Mon) MM HH * * * USERNAME /PATH/TO/SCRIPT 00 3 * * * USERNAME /myscript.sh "Runs at 03:00 every day" 0 */2 * * * run every two hours */2 * * * * every 2 minutes
search multiple files at once in finder
678 OR 789 OR ...
more complex queries:
(678 AND “789") OR ("890" AND “567”)
quicktime pro 7
time lapse, single images to movie
file -> open image sequence -> select first image file -> export -> mov
open existing movies then file -> new player create INs (i key) and OUTs (o key) of existing movie, copy select new player movie -> paste (the playhead determines the position of paste, to paste it in the middle, just move the playhead there)
change audio
window -> show movie properties disable sound tracks open mp3, select the right part with i/o keys, copy select video clip, select all with cmd+a edit -> add to selection and scale
rotate movie
window -> show movie properties select video track, select tab VISUAL SETTINGS
trim movie
drag the black corners under the timeline, to the right positions edit -> trim to selection
crop video
open video in quicktime edit -> copy open photoshop -> paste fill crop area with white, area to keep in black save as gif (2 colours) quicktime -> window -> show movie properties select video track, select tab VISUAL SETTINGS drag the GIF into the grey box file -> export
adding text to video
create transparent image with text in photoshop (same size as the movie) export as png open the movie as well as the image in quicktime select text clip, cmd + a for select all select the movie clip, create in and out for the text to appear edit -> add to selection and scale quicktime -> window -> show movie properties select PNG layer, tab VISUAL SETTINGS transparency (on bottom) -> straight alpha
adjust brightness, color, contrast
export: Movie to QuickTime Movie options -> filter (leaving default options is fine, compress in handbrake)
export edited movie
first get settings from orig movie window -> show movie inspector file -> export -> MPEG4 Video Format: H264 Data Rate: 6000 kbits/sec Image Size: Current Frame Rate: Current (compose in quicktime full size, compress in handbrake)
compress in handbrake, handbrake settings
(window -> toggle presets) format: mp4 Video Codec: H.264 check: Web optimized average bitrate: 500
create new white slide top right -> click document tab -> slide size: custom 1920 x 1080 presentation type: self playing, delay:0, builds:0 view -> show build order
play fullscreen
preferences > slide -> fit display einstellungen -> presentation -> erstes...
create simple animation
animate tab -> build in: when slide starts action: main action build out: when slide ends group objects -> arrange -> group select object -> click "add an effect" build order window -> select object -> with otherobject (to get simultaneous)
magic move
duplicate slide (the objects must exist in both slides!) goto first slide -> animate tab -> add an effect transition (transitions) -> magic move start transition: automatically, delay:0 goto second slide, move objects around, ev. change opacity
add movie
drag movie onto canvas format -> movie -> optimize... movie settings: format tab -> movie deselect movie clip -> animate tab -> delay 8 sec (movie duration) Achtung: Grouped objects with movies dont play!
animate bullets
create bullet list (format tab oben rechts) animate -> build in -> choose one... delivery: by bullet
add empty slide -> click on table icon on top fill content -> select object -> animate tab build in: choose drop, delivery: by row
add title, select title, animate tab -> create build in
create compass
create 2 pngs, background compass & needle lock background: arrange -> lock rotate 2 times, 5 sek
animate charts
add chart, add build in delivery: by series (first profit then loss) by set (rows), then build from 3
make it 3D
create normal chart first, then Format tab -> chart type -> 3D column build in: select 3D effect (zb 3D rotate & grow) format -> chart -> 3D Scene -> ADJUST HERE 3D Settings!
animated chart data over time
click Chart oben -> interactive tab -> choose one build in -> Add -> magic chart
chain animations
view -> build order create same animations for all, text & graphics then refine in build order then create build and refine
4 images, one stays
create build in for all 4 then select 3, create build out with fade select the remaining one and create Action with move to center then build out with dissolve
motorad example timing
create centered visual, titel + subtitle add move in/move out effects for visual (remove Bounce @ Build out) add scale big (3 sec) to both titles @ build in
rotate, scal, align, lock object
format tab -> arrange tab -> rotate
create a pause/delay between build in and build out
create build in and build out animations view -> build order start: after build1, delay: 2sec
view -> show rulers then drag like in photoshop
copy animations
select text block -> format copy animation
apply transitions in bulk
cmd click on multiple slides, add transition
object transitions for images
just place images on pages apply normal page transitions, then check for more special transitions by scrolling down same exists for text transitions
copy somewhere run it in terminal with ./cliclick
get current mouse position
click at position 28/11
wait 500 milliseconds (0,5 sec)
move mouse 24px down
press alt key down and hold it
kd:alt “alt”, “cmd”, “ctrl”, “fn”, “shift”
click at current position
release alt key
double click
start drag
end drag
press key and release again
kp:key “arrow-down”, “arrow-left”, “arrow-right”, “arrow-up”, “delete”, “end”, “esc”, “f1”, “f2”, “f3”, “f4”, “f5”, “f6”, “f7”, “f8”, “f9”, “f10”, “f11”, “f12”, “f13”, “f14”, “f15”, “f16”, “fwd-delete”, “help”, “home”, “mute”, “page-down”, “page-up”, “return”, “space”, “tab”, “volume-down”, “volume-up”
right click
kd:ctrl c:x,z ku:ctrl
enter text
t:'Viele Grüße'
powerpoint 2011 mac
start slideshow in windows
shift + <F5>
master slides
view -> master -> slide master
create colour scheme
slidemaster -> colours
define fonts
slidemaster -> Fonts
add text frames
slide master -> new layout (creates empty slide) slidemaster -> edit layout tab -> insert placeholder -> content format -> arrange tab -> align -> distribute horizontally
rename slide
rechtsclick auf slide -> rename then close master (view -> normal)
add new custom slides (from defined master slides)
new slide -> select layout
group/ungroup objects
group: alt + cmd + g ungroup: shift + alt + cmd + g
remove bullets
format -> bullets & numbering
import slides from another presentation
news slide (arrow) -> insert slides from another presentation
im excel gibt es in der letzten Zelle eine schwarze markierung die einfach groesser ziehen bei weiteren datensaetzen
view guides
rechtsclick auf slide -> guides oder crtl + alt + cmd + g
add new guides
alt + click on existing guide
in windows
alt + F9
re adjust stuff
just apply the slide template again!
custom clipart library
Microsoft Office 2011 -> Office -> Media -> Clipart drag new custom folder with files in here