- Table of Content
- excel listen mit indesign einlesen
- inhaltsverzeichnis
- ein Archtelgeviert = halber wortabstand
- sonderzeichen é œ
- switch tabs shortcut
- create library
- move find/replace settings
- «» anführungszeichen
- farbseparation, schwarze flaechen als BG mit Grafik drauf
- custom button extract page
- pfade von platzhalter
- find fonts used in indesign
- change colour profile global
- chinese simplified fonts asian
- create clipping mask with photo & type
- apostroph
- baseline grid
- grids
- paragraphy rules
- redefine styles
- paragraph styles
- get rid of orphan widow word
- flattersatz verschoenern
- change auto line spacing (leading)
- unlink textboxes
- interactive dokumente PDFs
- insert date datum
- align text to baseline grid
- schriften in pfade umwandeln, convert type to outlines
- setup margins, fuer locher
- insert hyperlinks
- spreads and pages
- footnotes styling
- reduce vector PDFs
- groessen und formate
- heading spacing
- gray scale images
- convert all spot to cmyk
- change margins later
- change display performance for all objects
- tables
- max. farbauftrag
- Print presets und icc farb profile
- Export with transparent objects on page
- Flatten, Don’t Convert
- export as pdf
- preflight
- links panel
- type
- organizing
- applying colour/transparency/shadows
- strokes/pfeile
- working with type
- spelling
- select hidden objects
- find and replace
- track changes
- see photoshop layers
- colorize images
- Captions
- edit original
- import images
- place several images
- organize
- fitting
- transparancy with clipping paths
- see photoshop layers
- guides
- add bleed, change size, portrait/landscape
- effects, shadows
- quick apply
- preferences
- working with 2 views
- rotate screen (just for editing)
- presentation mode
- print preview
- view options
- real and high preview of graphics
- measurements
- working with tabs
- pages panel
- shortcuts
- 70er Raster
- cs4/5 zu cs3
- farbseparation mit 2 farbigen foto
- trennungszeichen anpassen/entfernen
- shortcut fuer hyphenation menu activieren
- cropmarks
- copy and paste problem
- bindestrich
- page numbers
- import images
- character styles
- erster buchstabe gross
- preflight
How to find stuff
Please use Browser Search or Scroll down.
excel listen mit indesign einlesen
window -> utilities -> data merge
paragraph style fuer heading definieren dann Layout -> Table of contents
ein Archtelgeviert = halber wortabstand
bei Massangaben: kg/l/g oder bei dr. Arzt shift alt + cmd m
oder bei suchen ersetzen funktion im indesign
kg (mit normalen abstand vorne dran) ^<kg (ohne abstaende.. hier ned rauskopieren weil spezielle zeichen
sonderzeichen é œ
suchen und ersetzen fenster dann lange die taste "o" druecken oder "e"
switch tabs shortcut
cmd + ~
create library
panel, welches per drag und drop elemente zur verfuegung stellt Bibliothek.indl file -> new library
move find/replace settings
Users/[yourname]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 7.0/en_US
/Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2015/Presets/Find-Change Queries/GREP/en_US Find-Change Queries folder -> Text
«» anführungszeichen
auf deutschem Keyboard Layout: alt Komma, shift + alt Komma
farbseparation, schwarze flaechen als BG mit Grafik drauf
schwarzer hintergrund kann als CMYK oder K definiert werden! falls ein Bild (CMYK) freigstellt wird auf K Hintergrund, dann darf es keine ränder haben, oder man definiert den Hintergrund als CMYK Farbe. in Photoshop:
background layer
Layer -> new fill layer -> solid color C,M,Y: 0% K: 100%
schatten layer
klick schatten layer -> add curves layer select CYAN channel: drag top right corner to bottom! same for magenta, yellow
custom button extract page
in acrobat pro -> right click -> quicktools pages -> extract test
pfade von platzhalter
platzhalter zeichnen object -> path -> open path
find fonts used in indesign
type -> find fonts
change colour profile global
open bridge -> creative suite colour setttings europe prepress then in photoshop & illustrator edit -> edit colour -> settings colour management policies -> convert to working space (2x) profile mismatches -> uncheck all
convert CMYK images to K only
photoshop -> greyscale window -> output -> separations preview
chinese simplified fonts asian
in indesign -> fonts -> scroll runter -> STHeiti download STHeiti: http://www.suxiaoqin.de/Chinesisch/Schrift/fonts.php typografie: http://www.suxiaoqin.de/Chinesisch/Schrift/typographie.php
create clipping mask with photo & type
type -> create outlines select single (outlined) letters object -> path -> compound path select foto -> copy select type -> paste into
cropped frame
copy the letters drag frame with rectangle tool edit paste into
hochkomma mit alt + ]
baseline grid
setup grid
view grids & guides -> show baseline grid
preferences -> grid relative to top TOP MARGIN increment every 12pt (same as leading/linespacing) uncheck grids in back (so its on top of graphics)
paragraph style
double click on style indents and spacing -> align to grid -> All Lines put cursor in paragraph, make sure paragraph mode (top panel) click on align to baseline grid icon (next to hyphenate) falls es verschiebungen im ersten paragraph gibt (welcher ueber 2 spalten reicht), dann click ganz rechts on icon -> Only align first line to grid
custom baseline grids
draw text frame object -> textframe options -> baseline options -> use custom ... increment same as leading (linespacing vom text)
create new doc and set up colums or layout -> margins and columns use 3, 5 or 7 columns 3 columns: 3x text 5 columns: 2x spalten text und 1x spalte white space oder info box 7 columns: 3x spalten text und 1 spalte white space
paragraphy rules
format text first (font, size, tracking) then ganz oben rechts flyout menu -> paragraph rules
linie oben (below rule)
offset: 12
schwarzer kasten (above rule)
width: 35 width: text left indent: -3mm right indent: -19mm offset: -2mm change text to white change indent of text to 3mm
redefine styles
click in text change things then paragraph flyout menu -> redefine style
paragraph styles
select character formats
select text cmd + option 7 to jump to toggle between character/paragraph then choose font SABON size 11, leading 14
select paragraph formats
justified, indent first line 11pt click on paragraphs style menu -> flyout menu -> new paragraph style name it body check "apply style" and apply it to whole doc chapter number
select paragraph formats
select first indented line, set indent to 0
select character formats
choose SMALL CAPS, then flyout menu oben rechts -> Open Type -> ALL SMALL CAPS change tracking to 100 increase size to 14 click on paragraphs style menu -> flyout menu -> new paragraph style name it chapter number check "apply style" chapter title
select character formats
3 clicks on paragraph to select it choose BOLD font style size 30
select paragraph formats
left aligned flatter satz remove first line indent space before: 8pt space after: 3pt click on paragraphs style menu -> flyout menu -> new paragraph style name it chapter title check "apply style" first paragraph big letter
select paragraph formats
remove first line indent apply dropcap: 4 (icon mit grossem letter vorm text und pfeil) set line space before 14 click on paragraphs style menu -> flyout menu -> new paragraph style name it body first check "apply style"
get rid of orphan widow word
select text -> change tracking
flattersatz verschoenern
select text paragraph palette -> flyout menu -> balanced ragged lines
change auto line spacing (leading)
to change AUTO line hight, go to character flyout menu -> justification change auto leading value
unlink textboxes
doppelclick auf outport
interactive dokumente PDFs
PDF speichern dialog -> interactive elements, acrobat 6 hyperlinks
insert date datum
type -> text variables -> Insert Variable -> Aenderungsdatum d.MM.yyyy/h:mm
align text to baseline grid
in the paragraph panel click align to base grid icon (unten, schaut aus wie 2 textspalten)
schriften in pfade umwandeln, convert type to outlines
http://www.dtp-blog.de/workshops/indesign-text-in-pfade-konvertieren edit -> transparency flattener presets -> new name it OUTLINES Line Art and Text Resolution: 2400ppi Gradient and Mesh Resolution: 200ppi Check: Convert All Text to Outlines Check: Convert All Strokes to Outlines danach transparents object auf jede Seite kopieren (kleines Rechteck mit weisser Fuellung und 0% Deckkraft) in PDF-Export Dialog -> Acrobat 4, PDF Version 1.3 (in 1.4 und höher bleiben die Transparenzen erhalten und die Reduzierungsvorgabe greift nicht) dann bei transparency flattener den preset OUTLINES waehlen
setup margins, fuer locher
layout -> margins inside: 21mm (or 25mm)
insert hyperlinks
select the text window -> interactive -> hyperlinks
spreads and pages
2 spread document
to start new document with a double page spread for start page, specify an even number (#2)
create 3 page spread
create new document uncheck "allow document pages to shuffle" in flyout menu now drag the page right next to the other to get black outlines around all 3 pages on a spread: create square with rectangle frame tool (mit kreuz) set line to 0.5 und put on master page disable layer before handing off to printer
footnotes styling
after inserting the footnotes type -> document footnote options (to decrease indent, directly click into footnote)
reduce vector PDFs
move all type to one layer illustrations & images on one layer export in indesign als JPG import this jpg als BG export PDF settings: smallest filesize preset compression tab -> change to 170 pixel per inch, high quality ev. 100ppi, wenns knapp wird broschuren preset: 150 225 maximum 159 225 low 300 450
groessen und formate
A0 841 x 1189mm 9933 x 14043 px A1 594 x 841mm 7016 x 9933 A2 420 x 594mm 4961 x 7016 A3 297 x 420mm 3508 x 4961 A4 210 x 297mm 2480 x 3508 A5 148 x 210mm 1748 x 2480 A6 105 x 148mm 1240 x 1748 A7 74 x 105mm 874 x 1240 A8 52 x 74mm 614 x 874 A9 37 x 52mm 437 x 614 A10 26 x 37mm 307 x 437
heading spacing
window -> type -> paragraph space before 2mm space after 1mm
gray scale images
don't use gray convert in Photoshop (images will be inverted in indesign) use normal desaturate instead, crtl + u
convert all spot to cmyk
in swatch find colour with circle right click and options change spot to process, ev name too
change margins later
layout -> margins and columns
change display performance for all objects
indesign -> preferences -> display performanc
table drawing/editing
create text frame click into frame table -> insert table
table options
window -> type & tables -> table
table over several pages
tables can connect with next textframe, like text!
convert text to tables
click into textframe select all the text table -> convert text to table
increase row size
while in textframe, click on border and drag
increate proportionally
shift drag on the border of the last row/column
to see overset text in cells
select some text inside the cell edit -> edit in story editor
all rows same size
table -> select -> table or column table -> distribute rows evenly
merge/split cells
select cells -> table -> merge or split cells
delete rows/columns
table -> delete -> ...
table formating
table border
table -> table options -> table setup make border width thinner
turn off frame edges (to see textboxes without blue lines)
view -> extras -> hide frame edges
cell options
table -> select -> table table -> cell options -> text strokes and fills -> deselect blue lines in the square to adjust middle borders, just turn on blue middle line! set fill color to none
click into table table -> table options -> table setup -> fills alternating pattern -> every other row set color
no strokes
select all table with option command a on top menu square -> make sure all lines are blue! set stroke to 0
no strokes except middle
option command a in top bar, tripple click on square outside lines to deselect turn on middle blue line format on top bar, change color too
change cell color
select cells -> on top menu -> select fill
use headers when tables stretch over several pages/textboxes! create the header row, fills & type select header row -> table -> convert rows -> to header to update header row, edit first row
table & cell styles
always start with cell styles first
cell styles
window -> styles -> cell styles flyout icon -> new cell style leave settings, just assign a paragraph style! useful styles: left column, right column, header cell, body cells bottom row
table styles
click into table option click on new table styles button select the cell styles click ok and then click on the style to assign it to the table define header row again for a new table -> select header row -> table -> convert rows -> to header
importing excel tables/data
file -> place, turn on show import options shift click on right border to adjust size
stipe out all formating
window -> styles -> cell styles -> click clear overrides button unten
automatically update external excel documents placed in indesign
indesign -> preferences -> general go to file handling turn on: create links when placing text and spreadsheets files then place excel doc after every excel update, all styles need to be reapplied and header defined too! select header row -> table -> convert rows -> to header
copy cells in excel before pasting in indesign make sure cell is selected press ESC before pasting
max. farbauftrag
in indesign
window -> output -> separations preview manuell nummer eingeben: zb 240% dann sollten die heiklen bereiche sichtbar werden
in photoshop reduzieren
window -> info info flyout menu -> panel options -> total ink convert to RGB image -> adjustments -> selective colour -> blacks check absolute edit -> convert to profile -> iso newspaper check relative colormetric
kontrolle in acrobat
edit -> preflight prepress -> newspaper ads -> analyze see effective ink coverage or tool button (flyout menu: check print production) output preview
Print presets und icc farb profile
download here: http://www.sachaheck.net/blog/indesign/farbmanagement-preset-csf http://www.sachaheck.net/blog/indesign/illustrator-schwarz http://www.sachaheck.net/blog/photoshop/farbeinstellungen-photoshop
install it
grab csf (mediengestalter_lu.csf) und install nach: Mac HD / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Color / Settings / Recommended grab the profiles and install nach: Mac HD / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Color / Profiles / Recommended make sure NO file is open in indesign while going to edit -> color settings
Library -> ColorSync -> Profiles -> Recommended Applications Support/Adobe/Color/Settings Applications Support/Adobe/Color/Proofing
Export with transparent objects on page
use HIGH quality print preset go to marks and bleed enable crop marks enable USE Document Bleed Settings
Flatten, Don’t Convert
Edit > Transparency Flattener Presets choose HIGH RESOLUTION and click NEW check CONVERT ALL TEXT TO OUTLINES place a transparant object on the page (1px photoshop file) or a box with 0.1% fill and opacity file export -> high quality print -> acrobat 4 set flattening preset in advanced tab
use it as preset
file -> export preset: high quality print marks and bleeds colours: convert to destination (preserve numbers) select acrobat 4 and flattener preset in advanced
export as pdf
file -> export -> pdf (print)
PDF/X-1a:2001 Acrobat 6 check all OPTIONS
marks and bleeds
turn on!
colors conversion
convert to destination (preserve numbers): converts RGB to cmyk! preserve numbers kann probleme bereiten, bei speziellem farbprofil rausnehmen: convert to destination
transparancy flattener: high resolution, fonts: subset fonts: 0 (so all the font is included not just the used letters)
window -> output -> preflight errors are constantely updated, unten im document oder im preflight window click hyperlink in preflight window to find position dann green light unten im document!
create custom preflight profile
flyout icon -> define profiles click plus
colour spaces now allowed -> check spot colours check overprinting applied in design check overprinting applied to white or color check REGISTRATION applied
images and objects
colour image minimun resolution non proportionally images
missing glyphs non proportionally type scaling then save profile!
links panel
don't update links automatically when asked click NO and do it manually
gelbes dreieck in linkspanel
rotes fragezeichen
select object in panel click blauer link dann click relink button (or from little icon)
find the image
in links panel, click image little icon -> show in finder
embed images
in links panel, little icon -> embed only embed small files! link large files!
edit original
"edit with" from links panel
hidden characters
type -> hidden characters
text box margin/inset spacing
object -> text frame options
paragraph styles
option + click on NEW (force dialog box, enter name)
break links to styles
paragraph styles panel flyout -> break link to paragraph
remove formatting
select text click little icon in paragaph styles panel (clear overrides)
but keep italics:
create new character style: italic leave APPLY STYLE TO SELECTION unchecked edit -> find/change leave text blanc find format: basic char: italic change format: character style italic search: document
editing styles
just make changes place cursor inside the word styles menu flyout -> redefine style
bulleted & numbered lists
type -> bulleted & numbered lists -> apply settings: in paragraphs tab -> flyout menu -> bullets & numbering left indent: 3 (4) first line indent: -3 (-4)
positive left line indent and negative first line indent create a bullet and then hit tab!
while in paragraph mode -> click icon next to paragraph styles to finetune: option click on bullet button to get symbol chose MINION PRO font type first change left indent, then right indent (indesign rule!) both same numbers!!
einzelne Zeile, widow, headline
paragraph flyout menu ganz oben rechts -> keep options check keep lines together (2), at start/end play with options, but DONT check ALL LINES IN PARAGRAPH!!!!!
baseline grid
window -> view grids & guides -> show baseline grid put cursor in paragraph, make sure paragraph mode (top panel) click on align to baseline grid icon (next to hyphenate) falls es verschiebungen im ersten paragraph gibt (welcher ueber 2 spalten reicht), dann click ganz rechts on icon -> Only align first line to grid
type -> tabs to get tabs aligned with right edge: type -> insert special character -> other -> right indent tab (or shift tab) to get the dotted line, just set another tab with a dot!
hanging punctuation
(pushes hyphens slightly into the margin) type -> story
split paragraph/list in 2
select text chose split 2 from top dropdown box (mitte, neben fontbox) option click on icon next to the dropdown to get options!
change type really fast
with selected type (or in a type box) command + 6 -> jumps right into font dialog, type HELV, tab, semi, usw
character options
option + click on symbols
wort von der silbentrennung ausnehmen
while in type mode -> oben am rechten rand icon -> no break or use "hyphenate" to take it out completely!
nice numbers
select numbers -> rechts aussen menu -> open type -> proportional old style
type 3/4 select 3/4 rechts aussen menu -> open type -> fractions 19th -> open type -> ordinal Sauerstoff (O2) -> opentype -> subscript
find/replace fonts used in document
type -> find font replace unused! WICHTIG: check REDEFINE STYLE WHEN CHANGING!!
gap tool
4tes icon links drag -> move gap modifier keys: shift, option, command to get more results!
align, distribute spaceing, verteilen, arrange
select all objects activate align panel (window -> object & layout -> align) click distribute icon (align panel) and now go into details, select image and caption (oberen 2 objects) enter spacing value, click distribute again
text wrap around images, textfluss, fliessen, float, wrap
window -> text wrap select textbox and image click icon in text wrap box
create grid of objects (with dialog not mouse)
select object edit -> step and repeat
clipping paths
place image (mit weissem bg) select image object -> clipping path -> options
clipping masks
create the shape (type something or draw) convert to outlines select shape file -> place
applying colour/transparency/shadows
click on object use 2 color picker on top to change drag colour from swatches panel directly onto box (or edge)
select type tool, text markieren click colour from swatches panel, ev switch icons for stroke!
change shape of text boxes with type in it
select path tool option + click and drag on corner of a typebox or select text box object -> convert shape -> rounded ... or draw other shape on top of typebox select both window -> window & layout -> pathfinder substract
rounded corners
select image -> click little icon oben (mit der ecke drin) or option click on to get viereck daneben to get dialogbox for customizing corners!
transparent textboxes (with a tint) on top of photographs
place photograph place a coloured box on top place a text box on top of it select coloured box and WINDOW -> EFFECTS change blending mode
drop shadow
create type window -> effects select text click FX button -> drop shadow to apply this effect on more objects, simply drag FX icon ontop of other objects
fade in/out or feather
select image/textbox/object window -> effects -> FX -> directional feather
eyedropper tool
doppelclick on eydropper tool for options load with option + click apply with dragging/click
find and replace swatches/strokes/fills
edit -> find/change -> go to objects tab
add many stars
select the polygon tool drag a new polygon, while draggin press up/down left/right arrow keys to add more stars then press space bar and change length/number of rays with arrow keys finally release mouse button!
create new colour in swatches
rightclick on a colour -> new colour swatch then select CMYK or PANTONE (ev. type in numbers then) click ADD until all colours are there, then DONE to change/update excisting colour, simply change colour in swatches panel
load/save swatches from other documents
to save, select ALL swatches flyout menu save swatches as ASE files import then same way
add colour with colour picker
select object in top bar (or left bar) -> double click on fill select colour click in desired colour space (RGB or CMYK or LAB) until ADD button changes only use ADD button, don't just klick OK (it won't be added)
add all colours from document
swatches panel -> flyout menu -> add unnamed colours
add gradient swatch
swatches panel -> flyout menu -> New Gradient Swatch in left panel select gradient feather tool
add a stroke strokes panel: change type to get an arrow -> add start/end arrow!
working with type
change placeholder text
put new text in placeholder.txt place this file in indesign folder
insert special characters
Type -> Insert special character -> Symbols or right click anywhere on page -> Insert Special Character
alle sonderzeichen
type -> glyphs use filter box (Show and drop down box)
automatically add text
command + d (place is more reliable than copy/paste!) shift click on text frame to paste! or option shift click to stay on page option drag
threading (link) text boxes
view -> extras -> show text threads
doppelclick on little outport icon
text frame options
object -> text frame options change to 2 columns gutter: distance in between check "balanced columns" to get equal columns (besonders in der letzten!!)
story editor (command y)
edit -> edit in story editor use it to see overset text!
count words
window -> info select text it even counts overset words!
get german swiss dictionary as default one
close ALL documents! type -> character -> set language
rote unterstrichene linie
preferences -> spelling -> enable dynamic spelling
select hidden objects
click on top object command + click on object below to select it
find and replace
edit -> find/change
track changes
file -> user window -> editorial -> track changes open in story editor to see changes! option click on haekchen -> accept change!
see photoshop layers
object -> object layer options
colorize images
images must be gray scale, flattened no transparency, no pdf click on content grabber (runder kreis in der mitte vom bild) to select image then click on color in the swatches panel (and a tint)
difference between live/static captions:
live captions cannot be edited in indesign they pull data directly from photoshops info dialog box
static captions
object -> captions -> generate static captions apply an object style
live captions
generate live caption data in photoshop: file -> file info indesign -> rightclick on image -> captions -> caption setup -> title/name/usw. rightclick on image -> caption -> generate live caption apply an object style when live caption is not directly ON the image, maybe a bit below, create a group with caption and image
edit original
don't open it in preview, when clicking on the EDIT ORIGINAL Link open with -> little flyout menu in LINKS panel -> EDIT WITH or right click on IMAGE -> EDIT WITH
import images
draw an empty box first (mit durchgestrichenen linien) als platzhalter dann place image by dragging inside the box
place several images
select many images, while dragging press up/down arrow (gritify feature)
file -> new library little icon -> place items (to remember geometry and position)
select it -> file -> export -> indesign snippet to import into another: file -> place
fit frame to content
object -> fitting -> fit frame to content or double click on corners (works on text too)
fit content to frame
object -> fitting -> fit object proportionally or rightclick on image -> fitting -> fill frame proportionally
set fitting automatically
object -> fitting -> frame fitting options -> check AUTOFIT
transparancy with clipping paths
when path is available in photoshop and file is linked to indesign! in indesign -> object -> clipping path -> options -> type: photoshop path select path name or just use native psd files with transparency use type layer to stay on top of transparent images! never leave transparent image on top of type!
see photoshop layers
object -> object layer options
hold shift und klick auf ruler! dann kriegt man genaue nummer!!!
add bleed, change size, portrait/landscape
file -> document setup -> document setup
effects, shadows
objects -> effects -> drop shadow
quick apply
command + enter
change little grey bars (wenn man auszoomt!)
preferences -> display performance -> greek type below -> 2pt
general rule
close ALL documents while editing preferences, or it's just for the document!!
working with 2 views
window -> arrange -> new window dann view icon on top bar -> both up in one window presss: w to get the nice final preview work in the other window!
rotate screen (just for editing)
rightclick on page -> rotate spread view wenn fertig, right click on the ROTATE ICON -> clear
presentation mode
shift + w press b, w, g for different background colours
print preview
view -> overprint preview press w
view options
click on icon oben in bar, drittes von rechts
real and high preview of graphics
view -> display performance -> high quality display oder view -> overprint preview (faster for temporary switching!)
rechtclick auf ruler to change (in der ecke to change both)
working with tabs
changing tabs view to old view
window -> arrange -> float all in windows
all docs in tabs
window -> arrange -> consolidate ...
arrange multiple docs
oben in der titelleiste letztes kleines icon klicken
pages panel
pages panel -> panel options -> turn off show vertically
double click on number to jump to spread jump with keyboard from page to page: menu -> layout -> first page ... unten auf dem dokument gibt es sowas wie einen movie player! just enter page number here!
insert new page(s)
option click auf NEW page, get insert pages dialog
move pages
select pages in pages panel from the flyout menu chose MOVE PAGES (or just right click on selected pages to get the context menu) then select OTHER DOCUMENT (if it's opened)
resize induvidual page
click on third icon on left panel (page tool) click on the page to reseize click on top in the options bar on the 9point thing, select the side that stays in place then type in measurements box -5mm or change portrait/landscape format with icons in the menubar
page numbers
insert page numbers
select Master page, and text tool, draw a box that fits 9999 Type -> Insert Special Character -> Markers -> Current Page Number
fist page and second page on ONE spread
file -> document setup -> start page NO -> set to 2
assign first page number to 3rd page (by starting a section)
go to the 3rd page (which should become page 1) right click on the 3rd page -> numbering & section Options (start section is automatically checked) check Start page numbering: 1 (oder section start) now there is a little black triangle over the pages to show section start double click on the black trianlge to get to the dialog box again
use absolut page numbers (to navigate through document)
+6 to get to the 6th page
master pages
create a new individual master page
pages panel flyout menu -> new master apply by dragging master onto page
override master page items
command shift click on item to override
restore override on those items
pages flyout menu -> remove selected local overrides
command + enter -> quick apply command + j -> go to page 42 option + 0 -> fit so screen size
command + ~ -> move from one opened document to next!!!!
w -> print preview tab to hide windows
define shortcuts
edit -> keyboard shortcuts click assign when done click "show set" for a full menu list!!
70er Raster
Raster Bildaufloesung
60er Raster (150 lpi) 305 dpi 70er Raster (175 lpi) 360 dpi 80er Raster (200 lpi) 410 dpi Sublima (280 lpi) 580 dpi
raster x 2.54 x qualitaetsfaktor = dpi 70er Raster: 70 x 2.54 x 2 = 355 dpi, gerundet 260 dpi 90er Raster: 90 x 2.54 x 2 = 450 dpi
cs4/5 zu cs3
cs5 to cs4 mit ml cs4 to cs3 mit inx
farbseparation mit 2 farbigen foto
window -> swatches sachaheck.net/blog/indesign/zweifarbiges-layout-id
trennungszeichen anpassen/entfernen
window -> type -> paragraph click little icon in paragraph palette -> hyphenation
shortcut fuer hyphenation menu activieren
edit -> keyboard shortcuts product area: panel menus -> Paragraph hyphenation define: cmd + d
file -> pdf export dialogfeld marks and bleeds check all or what needed
copy and paste problem
Indesign -> Preferences -> Clipboard Handling
alt + -
indesign -> preferences -> units & increments -> set to inches
setting up new document
page numbers
pages palette, select master type -> insert special character -> markers -> current page numbers pages palette, change firstpage, numbers -> kleines option ding klicken!
import images
highres eps file, cmyk, 300 dpi\\ file -> place images sind automatisch in einer clipping mask. use both select tools. object -> fitting -> fit content to frame
window -> textwrap
override master pages -> klick auf kleines ding in page palette -> override blabala dann sind elemente klickbar
character styles
-Window > Type > Character styles -"New Character Style"
erster buchstabe gross
paragraph styles window, kleines fenster -> drop caps and nested styles -> lines 3 char. 1
-wenn ausrufezeichen, dann unbedingt schauen! -ev. eps aendern, falls ned cmyk sondern RGB -klick in LINKS palette, edit original -enter contact info -overset text means, spalten enthalten mehr text als dargestellt!!! es wird abgekackt! -go to those pages and change it!!